Salat Motion ۱۴: Rulings Regarding Prayer; The Place of Prayer Part ۲
۴,۴۸۲Rulings of Prayer
The Place of Prayer: Part 2
In the previous episode, two of the necessary conditions for the place of Prayer were explained. The rest of these conditions are as follows:
3. One must be able to perform the obligatory acts of Prayer in the place chosen for performing it. For example it is not permissible to perform Prayer in a car where there is not enough room for one to stand up, perform Rukūʻ, or perform Sajdah unless one has no other choice but to do so.
4. Men must necessarily stand in the front and women in the back while performing Prayer. This means that women must always stand behind men and the place of Sajdah of men must be a little ahead of that of women while performing Prayer. If this rule is not observed, then the Prayer of the person who first began performing theirs is valid and the Prayer of the other person is invalid and they begin their Prayer simultaneously, both of their Prayers will be invalid.
This rule has some exceptions: first, if there is a wall, a screen, or things like that separating the man and the woman, man standing ahead is not necessary.
Second, if the man and the woman are standing at least ten Ḍirāʻs [approximately 5 meters] away from each other.
And third, in great chambers of the holy shrines where there are lots of people performing Prayer and it is extremely difficult to observe this rule, it is not necessary for all men to stand ahead of all women while performing Prayer.
5. The place of one’s forehead at the time of Sajdah must not be higher than the place of one’s feet in a way that it is no longer considered a normal act of Sajdah. The obligatory precaution demands that the place of Sajdah must not be higher than the place of one’s feet more than the breadth of four fingers together approximately 8 cm.
*The Rulings of Prayer _ the place of Prayer: part 2
* The conditions for the place of Prayer: 1. it must be Mubah 2. it must be static
*3. One must be able to perform the obligatory acts of Prayer there
*4. Men must stand ahead of women in Prayer
* 5 meters
* the place of Sajdah must not be higher than the place where one stands for Prayer.