Salat ۲۷: Ruku Part ۱


Rulings Regarding Prayer- Rukū'  Part 1


One of the obligatory parts of prayer which is performed in every rak'ah after qirā'ah is rukū'.

Rukū' is one of the rukns of prayer; therefore, if one forgets to perform it or they perform it more than once in one rak'ah, whether intentionally or inadvertently, their prayer will become invalid and they must perform it again.

But if they remember that they have not performed rukū' before placing their heads on turbah for the second sajdah, in that case they should stand up and perform rukū' and then proceed with the rest of the prayer.

Bending forward for rukū' must be performed by making the intention of rukū', and if worshippers bend forward with another intention, their rukū' is invalid.

Worshippers should bend forward for ruku' to the extent that they can put the palms of their hands on their knees, and obligatory precaution even demands that the palms are placed on their knees during rukū'.

And if worshippers perform their prayers in sitting position, they should bend forward for performing rukū' to the extent that it is conventionally considered to be rukū'.

Rukū' must be performed in all prayers and if one finds it difficult to perform, they should observe the following rules:

1-if possible, they should lean on something and then perform rukū' 2-if they cannot do so, they should bend forward as much as they can 3-if they cannot bend forward at all, they should perform rukū' in sitting position 4-if they still find it impossible to do, they should indicate it with the head while standing 5-but if they cannot even indicate with the head, then they should close their eyes by making the intention of performing rukū' and recite the dhikr and then open their eyes by making the intention of rising from rukū'.

The rest of issues pertaining to rukū' will be explained in the next episode.


  • One of the obligatory parts of prayer which is performed in every rak'ah after qirā'ah is rukū'.
  • Bending forward for rukū' must be performed by making the intention of rukū', and if worshippers bend forward with another intention, their rukū' is invalid.
  • Worshippers should bend forward for ruku' to the extent that they can put the palms of their hands on their knees, and obligatory precaution even demands that the palms are placed on their knees during rukū'.
  • If worshippers perform their prayers in sitting position, they should bend forward for performing rukū' to the extent that it is conventionally considered to be rukū'.
  • If possible, they should lean on something and then perform rukū'
  • If they cannot do so, they should bend forward as much as they can
  • If they cannot bend forward at all, they should perform rukū' in sitting position
  • If they still find it impossible to do, they should indicate it with the head while standing
  • But if they cannot even indicate with the head, then they should close their eyes by making the intention of performing rukū' and recite the dhikr and then open their eyes by making the intention of rising from rukū'.