Salat ۳۳:Sajdah Part ۵
۴,۰۲۹Rulings Regarding Prayer- Sajdah- Part 5
Forehead is one of the seven body parts that must be placed on the ground when performing sajdah. The forehead must be placed on earth and on those things that grow from the earth, such as wood and the leaves of trees.
However, the best thing upon which one should perform sajdah is soil, especially the soil of Abaʿabdillah al-Husayn(ʿa), upon which performing sajdah would bring about an abundance of rewards. That.
It is permissible for one, however, to perform sajdah on other things as well, including: 1-Ores such as marble, white and black stones and even agate 2-limestone and gypsum both before and after they are heated 3-brick, pottery and cement 4-pure writing paper 5-grass, straw and the like which grow from the ground and are consumed as food for animals 6-flowers that are not edible for human beings.
Overall, it is not permissible to perform sajdah on edible things as well as things that are worn, even if they grow from the ground. Based on obligatory precaution, even performing sajdah on flowers and plants that are considered to be edible medicinal herbs, such as borage, is not valid. Moreover, performing sajdah on tiles, ceramics, asphalt as well as metals such as gold and silver is not valid although they originate from earth.
We will explain the last remaining issues pertaining to sajdah in the next episode.
- Forehead is one of the seven body parts that must be placed on the ground when performing sajdah. The forehead must be placed on earth and on those things that grow from the earth, such as wood and the leaves of trees.
- Items On which performing sajdah is permissible
1-Ores such as marble, white and black stones and even agate 2-limestone and gypsum both before and after they are heated 3-brick, pottery and cement 4-pure writing paper 5-grass, straw and the like which grow from the ground and are consumed as food for animals 6-flowers that are not edible for human beings.