Salat ۴۰: The Invalidators of Prayer
۵,۵۵۸Teaching the Rulings Regarding Prayer- the Mubtilāt of prayers (things that invalidate prayers)- First Episode
There are 12 things that invalidate prayer, in which case it must be repeated within its prescribed time. These twelve things are as follows:
1-Placing one's hands on top of one another or on the chest with the intention of respect. However, if one does so due to forgetfulness, helplessness or itchiness, the prayer is valid.
2-Breaking up the form of prayer: things which disrupt the form of prayer such as clapping one's hands or jumping, whether intentionally or inadvertently, invalidate the prayer. However, pointing with one's hands does not break up the form of prayer.
3-Speaking: saying even one or two words intentionally or even one letter such as "ق", as long as it conveys a meaning, invalidates the prayer. But speaking inadvertently or due to forgetfulness does not invalidate prayer.
If one intends to make someone else aware of something in the middle of the prayer, they must not talk, yet they can only recite a dhikr aloud with the intention of the dhikr of Allah; for instance, they can recite takbir (Allahu akbar) by raising their voice to make someone aware of something, since there is no problem with reciting the dhikr of Allah in any part of the prayer.
There is no problem if one coughs or sneezes in prayers, but based on precaution one must not intentionally groan or sigh using interjections such as "ouch" or "Ah" as their prayer will be invalidated.
We will explain the rest of the mubtilāt of prayers in next episode.